they're inevitable. as much as you try to delay them, they will happen. it can be either for better or for worse ( on some marriage shit ) but i'm trying my hardest to greet these new alterations with open arms. it was hard, for me to leave the crib this morning knowing that i wasn't gonna come back; well not in the sense that i won't ever step foot in the house again, but just the fact that i won't be living there. my mom and i don't always see eye to eye, but as i hugged her this morning, i couldn't help but shed some tears & to my surprise, she did too. the whole busride, i'm sittin' there like 'damn son, can i really do this?'
[ as im typing there's a nigga screaming RITA outside lmfao ]
i know that i've fucked up, but this is my time; time to get my shit together & realize that it's not all about fun & games. if i want success i must sweat, bleed, cry & overall bust my ass for it. i came here because i have nothing to lose, and i was gaining nothing but hangovers, haters & headaches in NYC. "alis volat propris" she flies with her own wings; [ love you carissa! ] it's pretty much crunchtime. this move is gonna make me, 'cause i refuse to let it break me.
oh & sorry to everyone who actually reads my shit, i know i've been a grade A slackin' bitch but, shit's been hectic, if you haven't picked up on that already.
if you're still rockin' with me, through all the shit you may have heard, through all the shit you think you know, then i fucks witchu. if not, i promise there's no love lost; cause at the end of the day, a rumor ain't shit. address the person who's being talked about, ask them their side of the story. and i betchu, even if you don't want to, you'll feel their pain.
i dont know you like that; but i enjoy readin ya blogs. i hope your move brings nothing but postivity to your life and that you can, as you said, "get your shit togetha" and find happiness and success and all of that.
you make me wana move and get MY shit togetha;
keep it up mama.
& good luck in everything.
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